Tell YouTube: Stop Censoring Feminists!

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On September 18, YouTube removed a video by Women’s Declaration International (WDI) in which feminist activists Lierre Keith and Marian Rutigliano discussed The Transsexual Empire, by Janice Raymond, claiming it violated their "hate speech" policy. Women, especially lesbians, must be allowed to speak about their rights when they are under attack and being eroded.

Raymond’s book, written in 1979 and still widely available to purchase and read, has been debated for decades. The author has been widely misunderstood and has actively disputed mistakes about her work. Today, as a disturbing trend of book banning is spreading across schools and legislatures, YouTube's decision to participate in silencing open discussion on women's issues can not be ignored.

(Listen to the full episode HERE)

This is just the latest example of YouTube silencing women, including lesbians, who criticize the mainstream "transgender" narrative. Feminists and those who point out the conflict between "transgender" policies and women's rights are routinely labeled "transphobic" and silenced across Google's platforms, including YouTube. Criticizing the destruction of women's rights and the erasure of lesbians isn’t “hate speech,” it's basic feminism. Meanwhile, misogyny and attacks on feminism remain untouched by these policies. 

About the speakers:

Lierre Keith is an American writer, radical feminist, food activist, and environmentalist. She founded WoLF in 2014 and has remained involved as a board member, and now as WoLF’s special envoy and spokesperson.

Marian Rutigliano is a biological scientist, a lesbian, and a long-time radical feminist. She is a regular guest speaker on WDI's feminist seminars.

Tell YouTube: Reinstate the video and stop censoring feminists!


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